
EU Blue Card Cyprus

EU Blue Card Cyprus: Your Path to Work and Live in Europe

As a premier law firm specializing in commercial and corporate law, Connor Legal is dedicated to keeping our clients informed about the latest developments in immigration law. One of the most significant recent changes is the introduction of the EU Blue Card in Cyprus, designed to attract highly skilled third-country nationals to work and reside in the EU. Here’s an in-depth look at what this means for potential applicants and employers.

What is the EU Blue Card?

The EU Blue Card is a work and residency permit specifically for highly skilled non-EU nationals. It was created to make Europe more accessible to talented professionals from around the world, helping to fill skill shortages in various sectors. For Cyprus, the implementation of this card is a significant step towards fostering a more dynamic and skilled workforce.

Benefits of the EU Blue Card

  1. Employment and Salary Parity: The EU Blue Card ensures that non-EU professionals are given the same salary and employment conditions as EU nationals in equivalent positions.
  2. Family Reunification: Cardholders can bring their immediate family members, including spouses and dependent children, to reside with them in Cyprus.
  3. Mobility within the EU: After 12 months of residing in Cyprus, Blue Card holders can move to another EU member state for work, provided they apply for a Blue Card in the new country within one month of entry.
  4. Pathway to Permanent Residency: After five years of continuous residence in the EU, including two years in Cyprus, Blue Card holders can apply for permanent residency.
  5. Equal Treatment: Cardholders enjoy the same rights as nationals in terms of working conditions, access to social security, and tax benefits.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the EU Blue Card in Cyprus, applicants must meet several criteria:

  • Employment Contract: A valid job offer or employment contract for a highly skilled position with a minimum duration of six months.
  • Salary Requirements: The offered salary must meet the national threshold, which ranges from 1 to 1.6 times the average gross annual salary in Cyprus. Regarding the minimum gross salary, this is determined by the Minister of Labor and Social Insurance. The new law set a threshold stating that the Minister can set the minimum wage between 1 to 1.6 times the median gross annual salary in Cyprus which currently is approximately €20,000. So the maximum that the minimum gross annual salary can be set is 32,000.  
  • Education and Experience: Applicants must hold a university degree obtained after at least three years of study. Alternatively, those in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector can qualify with at least three years of relevant professional experience within the last seven years.
  • Health Insurance: Valid health insurance coverage in Cyprus is required. The minimum coverage amount (excess) for health insurance in Cyprus is typically €20,000. This is the minimum amount that the insurance policy must cover, ensuring adequate medical care for the policyholder. Please note that this amount can vary based on specific requirements or policies, so it is advisable to confirm with the insurance provider or check any updated regulations.

Meaning of Qualifications and Skills

According to the new law:

  • Higher Education Qualifications: These include degrees, diplomas, certificates, or other formal qualifications issued by a competent authority. They certify the successful completion of a post-secondary education program, equivalent to or higher than secondary education, provided by a recognized higher education institution or its equivalent. These qualifications require at least three years of study and correspond to at least level 6 of the ISCED 2011 classification or the respective national framework level.
  • High Professional Qualifications: These are qualifications verified by a higher education qualification or advanced professional skills.
  • Advanced Professional Skills: For professions listed in Annex I of Directive 2021/1883, these refer to knowledge, skills, and abilities verified by professional experience equivalent to a higher education qualification. These skills must be relevant to the profession or sector specified in the employment contract or job offer.

Application Process

  1. Preparation of Documents: Gather the necessary documents, including a valid passport, employment contract, proof of qualifications, and health insurance.
  2. Submission to Authorities: Submit the agreement and qualifications to the Department of Labour along with the required documents for approval of qualifications or skills. Once approval is received then submit Blue Card application with all documentation required to the Civil Migration Department. The application will be reviewed to ensure compliance with the legal and qualification standards.
  3. Decision and Issuance: If approved, the Blue Card is initially issued for a period of three years and can be renewed subsequently.

Recent Legislative Developments

The Cypriot Parliament passed the legislative bill for the EU Blue Card on July 11, 2024, following the approval by the Council of Ministers on January 17, 2024. This legislation aligns with the EU directive, making the Blue Card an integral part of Cyprus’ strategy to attract skilled professionals from around the world. The final law is expected to be officially published by the end of July 2024.


The introduction of the EU Blue Card in Cyprus represents a significant opportunity for highly skilled non-EU nationals seeking to advance their careers in a vibrant and growing economy. At Connor Legal, we are committed to providing comprehensive legal support to both employers and potential Blue Card applicants, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.


For personalized guidance on the EU Blue Card application process, please contact Connor Legal. Our experienced legal team is here to assist you every step of the way.


For further updates and detailed information, visit our website or schedule a consultation with one of our immigration law experts.

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