
cysec license

Guide To Acquiring A Class 2 License With CySEC

In an era where financial and investment services increasingly shape the global economy, having a strong regulatory framework ensures the integrity, efficiency, and security of these markets. In Cyprus, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) serves as the watchdog of the investment industry, safeguarding investors and facilitating the healthy development of the securities market. As an esteemed commercial law firm, Connor Legal is well-versed in assisting clients in navigating the intricacies of acquiring a Class 2 Investment Firm License with CySEC, a credential that carries significant benefits and responsibilities.

Understanding Class 2 Investment Firm License

A Class 2 Investment Firm License, as per Cyprus’s Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law, allows the holder to provide investment services on their own account or on behalf of clients. The services encompassed under this license include portfolio management, investment advice, underwriting, and placement of financial instruments.

Benefits of Obtaining a Class 2 Investment Firm License

Obtaining a Class 2 Investment Firm License enables businesses to tap into the benefits that come with the robust financial framework that Cyprus offers. It includes access to the European Economic Area (EEA) through the European Union’s MiFID II directive, favorable tax conditions, credibility in the global market, and the opportunity to operate in a transparent and well-regulated business environment.

The Application Process

Obtaining a Class 2 Investment Firm License involves a rigorous and meticulous application process. Here’s a simplified step-by-step guide:

  1. Preparation: Before applying, firms must ensure they meet the criteria laid out by CySEC. This includes having a minimum share capital of €125,000, implementing adequate internal control mechanisms, and having a robust corporate governance structure. It’s also vital to prepare a thorough business plan, internal procedures manual, and anti-money laundering procedures.
  2. Submission of Application: Once all the documents are prepared, they are submitted to CySEC along with the necessary fees. The documents should detail the firm’s operating structure, the types of services it intends to offer, and demonstrate that the firm is able to comply with CySEC’s regulatory requirements.
  3. Review by CySEC: CySEC will then review the application and may request further information or clarification on certain matters. The review process typically takes around six months, depending on the completeness of the submitted documents and the complexity of the firm’s structure and services.
  4. Granting of License: If the application is successful and the firm is found to meet all the necessary requirements, CySEC will grant the Class 2 Investment Firm License. The firm can then begin offering its services.

CYSEC Innovation Hub

Navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of financial technology and regulatory technology (FinTech and RegTech) can be daunting for many investment firms. Recognizing this, CySEC has taken significant steps to address this issue and facilitate a smoother journey for entities operating in this area. A key development in this regard is the establishment of the Innovation Hub.

In 2018, CySEC announced the launch of its Innovation Hub, designed specifically to foster a more effective relationship between FinTech and RegTech entities and their regulatory requirements. This Hub is an environment where both supervised and non-supervised firms can gain ongoing access to CySEC, allowing them to understand and implement their regulatory obligations more effectively.

By establishing the Innovation Hub, CySEC aims to create a dialogue platform between innovative industries that operate in the FinTech and RegTech spaces. This interaction will not only allow firms to access specialized regulatory expertise but also provide an avenue for CySEC to better understand the risks and benefits of new innovative investment products and platforms, including those using Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), such as blockchain.

Demetra Kalogerou, Chair of the CySEC, highlighted the importance of this initiative, stating: “The establishment of the Innovation Hub marks an important and exciting step for CySEC’s supervision of new and innovative FinTech companies in Cyprus. In promoting closer ties with these fledgling but fast-growing industries, we aim to best protect investors by fully understanding the risks and benefits these new products bring.”

The Innovation Hub became operational in September 2018. Since then, it has served as a crucial resource for investment firms, providing an arena for open dialogue, exchange of information, and mutual understanding. Eligible firms interested in having their sector or products included and examined by the Innovation Hub can submit a request for further study.

In this context, the role of a commercial law firm like Connor Legal becomes even more significant. We can help clients understand the benefits and implications of innovative technologies, align with regulatory requirements, and harness the opportunities provided by CySEC’s Innovation Hub. This adds another dimension to the process of obtaining a Class 2 Investment Firm License, reinforcing the importance of expertise and guidance in navigating the complex landscape of investment services in Cyprus.


Acquiring a Class 2 Investment Firm License in Cyprus offers several advantages and serves as a testament to a firm’s adherence to high regulatory standards. However, the process requires significant preparation and expertise. At Connor Legal, we leverage our extensive knowledge of commercial law to help clients navigate this process, ensuring they meet the rigorous requirements set by CySEC. Our comprehensive support aims to facilitate our clients’ success in the dynamic and rewarding world of investment services.

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