
Cyprus Business

A Comprehensive Legal Guide to Starting a Business in Cyprus

Cyprus offers an ideal business environment that attracts entrepreneurs from all over the world. This Mediterranean island has become a hub for international business due to its strategic geographical location, favorable tax regime, and a high level of professional services. This article will provide a comprehensive legal guide for establishing a business in Cyprus.

1. Decide on the Business Type

The first step in setting up a business in Cyprus is to decide on the type of business entity. There are four primary options:

  • Private Limited Company: This is the most common choice for entrepreneurs as it offers a versatile structure, limited liability, and attractive tax benefits.
  • Public Limited Company: Suitable for larger enterprises that intend to list their shares on a public exchange.
  • Partnerships:

    A partnership refers to a voluntary coalition of individuals who unite to manage a business with the intention of earning profits. Such partnerships are officially recognized by the Registrar of Companies under the General and Limited Partnership and Business Names Law (Cap. 116). In contrast to corporations, partnerships do not possess separate legal identities. The general partners share collective responsibility for any debts and liabilities incurred by the partnership. On the other hand, limited partners’ liabilities are capped at the amount they have invested as capital or assets in the partnership.

Registration of your business with the Registrar of Companies is the next crucial step. The process involves:

  • Choosing a Unique Company Name: The proposed name must not be the same as or too similar to an existing company.
  • Preparing the Memorandum and Articles of Association: These documents detail the company’s objectives, internal procedures, and the rights and responsibilities of the shareholders and directors.
  • Filing the Necessary Documents: This includes the above documents, personal details of the shareholders and directors, registered address, and a declaration of compliance.

3. Open a Cyprus Business Bank Account

After registration, you need to open a corporate bank account in Cyprus. Banks will require specific documentation such as the company’s certificate of incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association, proof of residence and identification for all directors and shareholders.

4. Tax Registration

Companies in Cyprus must be registered with the Tax Department to obtain a Tax Identification Code (TIC). Furthermore, depending on the nature of the business, registration for VAT might be necessary. Currently, businesses with a turnover exceeding €15,600 during a 12 month period are required to register for VAT.

5. Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits

Depending on the nature of your business, you might need specific licenses or permits. For example, financial services firms, healthcare providers, or food establishments must adhere to particular regulatory requirements.

6. Register for Social Insurance

All employers are obligated to register with the Social Insurance Services and make contributions for their employees. Failure to comply with these obligations may lead to penalties.

7. Intellectual Property Protection

Consider registering any intellectual property (IP) such as trademarks, patents, and designs. Cyprus is a member of the European Union, providing IP protection not only at the national level but also across the EU.

8. Hiring Staff

Understand the local employment law when hiring staff. Cyprus law governs issues such as working hours, holiday leave, maternity leave, termination rights, and health and safety.


Starting a business in Cyprus can be a rewarding venture, but it requires careful planning and legal compliance. It’s always advisable to seek the guidance of experienced legal professionals when navigating through the process. Our commercial law firm is here to support you every step of the way, providing tailored advice and ensuring your business is legally compliant and well-positioned for success.

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