
Cyprus EU Blue Card

EU Blue Card in Cyprus - Update on Application Expected Start Date

We are pleased to share an important update regarding the anticipated launch of the EU Blue Card system in Cyprus. As you may be aware, the Cypriot government has been working diligently to implement this system following the recent passage of the relevant legislation by Parliament. This initiative aims to attract highly skilled third-country nationals to work and reside in Cyprus, aligning with the broader EU objective of fostering skilled migration.

However, we have been informed that the government departments responsible for managing the EU Blue Card applications are still in the process of setting up the necessary infrastructure. As of now, the system is not yet ready to accept applications, and unfortunately, no official start date has been announced.

While the government has expressed optimism about launching the system soon, they have indicated that it might not be fully operational until later this year, potentially by the end of 2024

At Connor Legal, we understand the impact this delay may have on your plans, and we are committed to providing you with timely and accurate updates. Rest assured, we are closely monitoring the situation and will notify you immediately once the government begins accepting applications for the EU Blue Card.

In the meantime, we encourage prospective applicants to start preparing their documentation, so they are ready to proceed as soon as the system is live. Our team is fully prepared to assist you with every step of the process, ensuring a smooth and efficient application once the opportunity becomes available.

Thank you for your patience and trust in Connor Legal. We remain at your service and will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available.

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