
cyprus inheritance

Inheritance and Estate Planning in Cyprus: Navigating the Legal Process

Inheritance and estate planning are essential processes that ensure the proper distribution of one’s assets and property after death. Cyprus, a popular destination for retirees and investors, offers a favorable legal environment for managing estates. This article provides an overview of the inheritance and estate planning process in Cyprus, highlighting the key aspects of the legal framework, tax implications, and the importance of preparing a comprehensive will.

1. The Legal Framework of Inheritance in Cyprus

Cyprus inheritance law is based on the provisions of the Wills and Succession Law, Cap. 195 (as amended), which was enacted in 1945. This law governs the inheritance rights of both residents and non-residents who hold property in Cyprus. The key features of this law include:

  1. Freedom of Testamentary Disposition: Cyprus residents and non-residents are allowed to freely dispose of their property through a will. However, the law also recognizes the rights of certain “protected heirs,” such as spouses and children, who are entitled to a reserved portion of the estate.
  2. Forced Heirship: If a person dies without leaving a will, the estate will be distributed according to the rules of intestacy, which prioritize surviving spouses and children.
  3. Recognition of Foreign Wills: Cyprus is a signatory to the Hague Convention on the Conflict of Laws in respect of Wills, which allows for the recognition of foreign wills under certain conditions.

2. Disposable Portion of the Estate

In accordance with Cypriot law, one of the fundamental principles is the safeguarding of family rights and interests. As a result, there are stringent legal stipulations limiting the extent to which an individual is able to distribute their estate through a will, granting them the liberty to allocate only a specific portion of their wealth, commonly referred to as the “disposable portion”.

To elaborate, should an individual pass away, leaving behind a spouse and a child, a spouse and a progeny of their child, or bereft of a spouse but having a child or a child’s descendant, the disposable portion that can be bestowed via the will is restricted to a maximum of one quarter of the net value of the estate.

In scenarios where an individual departs, leaving a spouse or either parent but does not have any offspring or descendants of such, the disposable portion that can be freely willed away is limited to half of the net worth of the estate.

The exception to this rule is when an individual, at the time of their passing, does not leave behind a spouse, a child, a descendant of a child, or either parent. In these unique situations, the individual is granted unrestricted autonomy to distribute their entire estate as per their will.

These regulations underscore the importance Cypriot law places on ensuring familial stability and security, offering a profound illustration of its commitment to protecting the interests of family members within the context of estate allocation.

3. The Importance of a Comprehensive Will

Preparing a comprehensive will is crucial to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes. A well-drafted will should include the following elements:

  1. Clear identification of the testator, beneficiaries, and executors 
  2. Detailed information about the assets, including their location and value 
  3. Specific instructions for the distribution of assets 
  4. Provisions for any trusts or charitable donations
  5. Signature and date in the presence of two witnesses

4. Tax Implications

Cyprus is known for its favorable tax environment, which extends to inheritance and estate planning. Key tax considerations include:

  1. No Inheritance Tax: Cyprus abolished its inheritance tax in 2000, making the transfer of assets to beneficiaries tax-free.
  2. Capital Gains Tax: The transfer of immovable property in Cyprus may be subject to capital gains tax at a rate of 20%. However, certain exemptions and reliefs are available, such as the transfer of property between spouses or to children.
  3. Stamp Duty: A nominal stamp duty is applicable on certain legal documents, including wills and powers of attorney.

5. Navigating the Legal Process

The legal process of inheritance and estate planning in Cyprus can be complex, particularly for non-residents or those with assets in multiple jurisdictions. It is essential to seek professional advice from a qualified lawyer, tax consultant, or financial planner to ensure that your estate planning needs are met.


Inheritance and estate planning in Cyprus offer many advantages, including a favorable legal framework and attractive tax environment. Preparing a comprehensive will is essential to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and that your loved ones are well provided for. By seeking professional guidance and understanding the legal process, you can successfully navigate the complexities of inheritance and estate planning in Cyprus.

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