
residency in Cyprus

How to Secure Fast Track Residency in Cyprus

Are you looking for an efficient and reliable way to secure fast track residency in Cyprus? Cyprus offers one of the most appealing permanent residency programs in Europe, particularly for non-EU citizens looking to enjoy the benefits of living in this Mediterranean paradise. This guide will take you through everything you need to know about the fast track residency process, the legal requirements, and the benefits of securing permanent residency in Cyprus.

What is Fast Track Residency in Cyprus?

The Cyprus fast track residency program is a legal pathway that allows non-EU citizens to obtain permanent residency within just 2-3 months by making a qualifying investment in Cyprus. This program is specifically designed for investors and their families, providing them with a permanent residence permit that doesn’t expire. The fast track option is particularly popular for its speed and simplicity, offering immediate benefits to investors seeking a base in Europe.

Why Choose Fast Track Residency in Cyprus?

Cyprus is a member of the European Union with a robust legal system and an excellent standard of living. Fast track residency offers a host of benefits, including:


  • Permanent Residency for Life: Once obtained, your residency permit is valid for life and does not require renewal.
  • Family Inclusion: Your spouse and children (up to 18 years old) can be included under the same application.
  • Pathway to Citizenship: After eight years of residency, you can apply for Cyprus citizenship.
  • Tax Benefits: Cyprus has a favorable tax regime, particularly for individuals looking to move their fiscal residence.
  • Access to High-Quality Healthcare and Education: Permanent residents enjoy access to Cyprus’s newly established healthcare system and excellent education options.

Who is Eligible for Fast Track Residency in Cyprus?

The Cyprus fast track residency program is mainly geared toward investors. To qualify, applicants must meet the following criteria:


  1. Minimum Investment of €300,000: This investment can be made in real estate (residential or commercial), Cypriot company shares, or a Cyprus-based investment fund.
  2. Income Requirements: Investors must demonstrate an annual secured income of at least €50,000 from abroad, which increases by €15,000 for the spouse and €10,000 for each dependent child.
  3. Clean Criminal Record: Applicants must provide a clean criminal record from their country of residence.
  4. Health Insurance: Adequate health insurance coverage must be provided for the applicant and their family.
  5. Proof of Financial Stability: The applicant must demonstrate that they can support themselves and their family without working in Cyprus.

Step-by-Step Guide to Securing Fast Track Residency in Cyprus

Here’s how you can navigate the fast track residency process:


  1. Choose an Investment Option


The fast track program allows applicants to invest in various sectors, including:


  • Real Estate: Purchase a new residential or commercial property worth at least €300,000 (plus VAT). The property must be bought from a registered developer and can even be under construction.
  • Commercial Investment: Purchase offices, hotel buildings, or other commercial real estate valued at €300,000 or more.
  • Cypriot Companies: Invest in the share capital of a company registered in Cyprus, which must employ at least five people.


  1. Prepare Documentation


Applicants must gather the following documents for their application:


  • Valid passport copies
  • Proof of investment (e.g., title of ownership or contract of sale)
  • Bank SWIFT showing the payment of €300,000 (plus VAT)
  • Proof of annual income from abroad
  • A clean criminal record certificate
  • Marriage and birth certificates (if applicable)
  • Health insurance policy


  1. Submit Your Application


Once your documentation is complete, your legal representative will submit the application to the Civil Registry and Migration Department in Nicosia. The applicant is not required to be present during the submission.


  1. Biometrics and Final Approval


After submission, the applicant and their family must provide biometrics (photo and fingerprints) at a local migration office. Once approved, the residency card is issued, typically within two months.


Fast Track Residency vs. Category F Residency

In addition to the fast track residency option, Cyprus offers a slower route through Category F residency. However, the fast track process is far more advantageous for those who can meet the investment threshold, with processing times as quick as 2-3 months compared to the longer, indefinite wait times of Category F.

Key Benefits of Cyprus Fast Track Residency

  • Speed: With approval in just 2-3 months, it is one of the fastest residency programs in Europe.
  • No Residency Requirement: Unlike many other programs, you don’t need to live in Cyprus to maintain your residency status. You only need to visit Cyprus once every two years.
  • Family-Friendly: Spouses and children under 18 are included, while adult children between 18-25 can obtain a student immigration permit.
  • Path to Citizenship: After eight years of continuous residency, fast track permanent residents are eligible to apply for Cypriot citizenship.

Why Invest in Cyprus?

Cyprus offers a range of advantages for investors, including a strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, a favorable tax regime, and a robust legal framework. Additionally, the island boasts a high standard of living, excellent healthcare, and a safe environment, making it an attractive place for both business and family life.

FAQs About Fast Track Residency in Cyprus

How long does it take to get fast track residency in Cyprus?

The process typically takes 2-3 months from the time of application submission.


What is the minimum investment for fast track residency?

A minimum investment of €300,000 is required in either real estate, company shares, or investment funds.


Can my family be included in the application?

Yes, your spouse and children under 18 are included, and children between 18-25 can obtain a student permit.


Do I need to live in Cyprus full-time to maintain my residency?

No, you are only required to visit Cyprus once every two years to maintain your permanent residency.

Contact Us

Securing fast track residency in Cyprus offers a fast, reliable, and efficient way to gain permanent residency in Europe. With a minimum investment of €300,000, you can enjoy life in a beautiful Mediterranean country, gain access to Cyprus’s favorable tax regime, and set your family on the path to Cypriot citizenship.


For those looking to invest in a stable economy and secure permanent residency quickly, Cyprus is a premier choice.


Ready to begin your journey toward permanent residency in Cyprus? Contact Connor Legal today for expert guidance on the fast track residency process!

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